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London Science Museum Takes Neutral Position on Global Warming

Homeowners in New England are looking at filing flood insurance claims, while residents of the Midwest have had one of the worst winters in years, and even Texas got more than a foot of the frosty white stuff this year. In the midst of all this, the London Science Museum, with sponsorship from Royal Dutch Shell has opened a new climate gallery which is adopting a more neutral position on global warming.

Set to open in November, the $6 million exhibit will provide “up-to-date, accurate” information on the science of global climate change, and is intended to “satisfy the interests and needs of those who accept that human-induced climate change is real, those who are unsure, and those who do not,” said a museum representative in a statement to the press.

According to report by Reuters, the museum’s director, Professor Chris Rapley told the press, “The scientific community has, with some exceptions, concluded that climate change is real, largely driven by humans and requires a response. Our objective is to minimize the shrill tone and emotion that bedevils discussion of this subject.”

The previous exhibit was called “Prove It! All the evidence you need to believe in climate change,” which closed last month. That exhibit featured a poll which shoed that many of its visitors did not believe the scientific evidence behind human-caused climate change. Late last year, after email messages from a British university were released by hackers and latched onto by skeptics who felt they showed that global warming was largely exaggerated, the scientific data was called into question. When an erroneous statement about the Himalayan glaciers melting by 2035 was released in January, shortcomings of the U.N.’s panel of climate scientists were made public. The result was a call for reform from the panel, and the creation of the new Climate Science Gallery.

Other sponsors of the new gallery are Germany’s Siemens, the Garfield Weston Foundation and Britain’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Other news this week from the London Science Museum is its restated commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.