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Video Friday: Wedding Insurance

TweetI have to confess, I, personally, have never even thought about wedding insurance. Then, while recovering from an allergic reaction last weekend, I sat in an antihistamine coma watching a marathon of “Say Yes to the Dress” with my elderly … Continue reading

Homeowners Insurance in Hard Times

TweetWriting for, Jennie L. Phipps offers good advice to homeowners in the article, “Reassess Your Homeowners Policy in Down Market.” Her article strikes right at the heart of the most nagging point of “non-recovery” in the recession — home … Continue reading

Aflac Shows Grace Over Duck Flap

TweetWhile it may not be strictly an insurance topic, I imagine you’ve all heart that comedian Gilbert Gottfried shot himself in the foot and lost his gig as the Aflec duck with an ill-conceived tweet in the wake of the … Continue reading

Health Care, A Year Later

TweetWell, it’s been one year since the health care reform law passed. Probably the best thing to come out of it so far is that insurance companies can’t drop sick kids for pre-existing conditions. (The amount of bad karma the … Continue reading

Government Site for Safer Products

TweetOn Friday, March 11 the government launched a new website, that is under the auspices of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Its basic function is to let consumers report and search safety complaints about products. You probably won’t be … Continue reading